
Nolek has many years of experience within all types of industries with helping customers find the right solution for meeting product requirements.

Requirements, such as leak rates, pressure, handling automatic/manual, and total product output, will always be among the elements to find the most optimal solution for.

Leak rates and test pressure often depend on the normal use of the product, which means making sure it does not leak the content that it is supposed to stay inside.

Within all industries, leak testing is often also used for assembly control, meaning controlling that the assembly part is made correctly.

4 Products

Heat-Ventilation-Aircondition-Control. The components in this industry are often leak tested during production - some with air testing and others with tracer gas, such as helium.
The Automotive industry has many components installed that need to be liquid, gas or air tight. Nolek has through many years helped customers in this industry find the right leak testing solution for them.
Pharmaceutical and medical
Products in the pharmaceutical industry often have higher requirements for testing and documentation levels. The strict requirements also mean that products have to be tight from both the inside-out and outside-in.
Other industries include the military, electronics, food & beverages, connectors, and many more.